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Facebook Marketing Services

With over 80% of North Americans active on Facebook, your business can’t afford to skip over the social media giant. We’ve found success as a Facebook ads agency, helping businesses grow by finding their customers and building loyalty with them. How Facebook Marketing Can Help Your Business

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How Facebook Marketing Can Help Your Business

  • Facebook advertising provides the widest range of demographics, making market segmenting more intuitive and accurate.
  • Viral content can spread across a variety of age ranges, interest, political beliefs and more.
  • Facebook advertising allows hyper-localization, letting you target demographics for advertising even within a fixed location.
  • Facebook marketing allows for the engagement of affiliates and communities, building brand recognition through multichannel efforts.
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Facebook Marketing & Advertising Clients Who Trust Us

Ensuring Achievement Of Success Metrics

“Unlike other digital agencies, DOM never tries to fit us into a cookie-cutter template and we don’t feel like they cram on our account right before the call.”

Online Marketing Services | Testimonial Headshot
Suzanne Ryan SaaS Marketing Leader star rating
Organizational Brand Strategy

“Their ability to leverage technology to keep us in the loop and up-to-date is a testament to their flexibility and focus on customer service.”

Branding and Marketing Agency | Testimonial Headshot
Matthew Holjes Director of Sales and Marketing star rating

Our Facebook Marketing Process

We’ll collaborate with your business to develop a multichannel Facebook advertising & marketing campaign that gains the attention of your potential customers, creating and scheduling both Facebook Ads and social media posts that convey the exact message you want to get across to your customers, growing impressions and conversions.

Our Three Steps:

  • Our Facebook advertising agency’s social media team knows what grabs attention and in a sea of content, we’ll develop content that’ll help you stand out from your competitors, reaching new audiences while building the loyalty of your current followers.
  • Targeted Facebook advertising allows your business to reach out with more specificity than any other platform, letting you segment your market down to key factors and interests for advertising while saving marketing money in the process.
  • As a Meta subsidiary, Facebook advertising can be integrated with Instagram and WhatsApp, allowing for more data gathering, more audience understanding, and multiple touchpoints, each of which grows the potential for success in your Facebook marketing campaign.
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What's Included In Our Free Facebook Advertising Audit

  • Assessment of current Facebook and Meta advertising presence and engagement rate
  • Possible avenues of growth and opportunities to reframe your business for new markets via Meta advertising
  • Further information about our Meta advertising methodologies and an explanation of how it will affect your business
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They do! Click through rate can vary by industry, but given how specific the targeting on your advertisements can be, you can expect resonant messages to be reaching those most likely to click. Conversion rates are higher than average compared to other paid media, meaning your business is more likely to get high conversions in a well-built campaign.

This depends on what your business sells, but there is almost certainly a type of Facebook ad that will work best for your business. Between image ads, video ads, instant experiences, polls, carousels, slideshows, collections, lead ads, dynamic ads, Messenger ads, stories and AR ads, your business has a lot of choices. We’ll help you narrow that list to what works best for your product, and will grab your audience’s attention in an organic way.

Your business’s targeted market most likely has demographic similarities to one another. They may be of a similar age range, have similar interests, work similar jobs, or otherwise be similarly categorized by habit. We’ll help you decipher your audience data, finding what matters about your audience and building on that knowledge to develop a clear profile of your targeted customer.

Organic posts are great for building loyalty amongst those who already follow your business, but tend to fail when it comes to building brand awareness. Organic posts can be tailored for sharability, but there’s no guarantee that those in your target market interact with each other often enough to assure any sort of success. This is why we recommend a combination of both organic posts and ads.

This depends on your business. You may see an immediate uptick, as a result of new customers becoming aware of your brand, but a lot of your Facebook advertising success will come as a result of retargeting, honing back in on customers who expressed interest in your brand without completing a transaction on their first interaction. This will take time and continual testing, so we’d recommend giving the process about 90 days before making decisions about whether to pursue Facebook advertising further.

That would make things a bit easier on our end, but we respect the business and the social media presence you’ve built, so this is not necessarily required. We will still provide a content calendar, but this puts the onus on you to schedule posts and advertisements as we’ve indicated. Contact us to learn more about our methods and strategies.