Digital Marketing

Advertising Statistics and Facts: How Effective Is It?

By C-L Team| 3 Min Read | June 18, 2019
Advertising Statistics | Advertising Analytics | Analytics Dashboard

Try and think back to a day where you weren’t exposed to advertising.

It’s hard, isn’t it?

We’re bombarded with ads on a near constant basis. With so much advertising infiltrating into our everyday interactions, it can be hard to see how it can still be effective. If you’re thinking about investing in an advertising campaign, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth the risk, or if your ad will drown in a sea of promotions.

To help ease your mind, here are some advertising statistics and advertising facts to prove that advertising is still effective and still the best way to promote your brand.

The US is the Largest Advertising Market in the World

The US has an insatiable appetite when it comes to advertising. In 2016, advertiser spending was an astonishing 190 billion dollars.

You may think the second largest market – China – would spend almost as much as the US. In fact, China spends less than half of what is spent on advertising in the US. The global spend of advertising is 500 billion total, which means that a massive two-fifths of that amount comes from the US.

Americans are Exposed to 4,000 to 10,000 Ads Per Day

With such huge advertising spend, it’s not surprising that Americans are exposed to so many ads on a daily basis. Most people don’t realize the extent of how much advertising they’re exposed to. Our brains learn to screen ads automatically and filter out what isn’t of interest. We tend to pay attention to the ads that have a personal interest and largely discard the rest.

Digital Has Surpassed Traditional Ad Spend

This, perhaps, is not one of the most surprising advertising facts, given the meteoric rise of the internet. Online advertising is due to reach around $1.29 billion in 2019.

Social media is effective while being relatively inexpensive compared to more traditional advertising methods.

Video Advertising is on the Rise

Video ads are driving digital advertising growth. We’ve seen that platforms like Twitter and Facebook are reaping the benefits.

Sixty-four percent of consumers say watching a video influenced their purchase. Video ads are also effective for mobile advertising, considering that nearly 70 percent of digital time is spent on smartphones.

Brands Spending the Most on Advertising

Advertising is a critical part of the success of many companies, large and small. Here are the top 5 big advertising spenders in the US:

  1. Comcast Corp. – $5.75 billion
  2. Procter & Gamble – $4.39 billion
  3. AT&T – $3.52 billion
  4. Amazon – $3.38 billion
  5. General Motors – $3.24 billion

These are some eye-opening advertising statistics! The number of ads and the dollar amount spent on advertising won’t be changing anytime soon. What is changing is where and how we advertise.

These advertising facts show you that you can use precise targeting and digital advertising skill to reach a more specific audience than ever before. A targeted audience is more likely to be receptive to your message than an audience caught in a wide net.

You can make your advertising copy and your dollars count by using digital technology to reach the potential customers that are just right for your business.

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