I was reviewing my blog posts recently and saw how often I mention something about my kids. I laughed thinking about how different this digital marketing blog would look were Justin at age 25 – he who dressed in a poor man’s gerbil outfit and rolled around OU’s block party scene in a giant ball one Halloween night – writing it.
So in honor of Young Justin, I won’t discuss my youngin’s at all in this post. Instead, I’ll discuss Torri Roger’s latest edition to the family.
As I was surfing news today, I saw an extremely compelling headline on CNN: “Mom: Not on I-75, ‘I need that epidural!’”
I mean that doesn’t sound like anyone I know, certainly not any alleged wife going through an excruciating labor. Or our friend, whom my wife had told labor was a breeze after the epidural. Said friend had an apparent bad administration of the drugs and spent the rest of the time cursing out my wife. Or Bill Cosby’s wife. I won’t butcher the stand-up master’s lines, but trust me, it’s a great routine – go rent Bill Cosby: Himself.
While the video recap report itself is certainly not as entertaining as an actual video of the car ride pre-delivery would have been, there was this gem from reporter Jaye Watson: “She kept telling her husband that she wasn’t going to make it [to the hospital]. That she eventually had to show him that she was delivering the baby to get him to pull over.”
Obviously, the husband did not understand how impending the birth was and the wife calmly and clearly explained it to him until he did. Surely no vulgarities were strewn about their car.
And that’s what we try to do here. Online marketing can be scary to business professionals that don’t have experience with it. In order to help, we’ve put together an Internet Marketing Term Glossary for you. We’ve tried to write in plain-spoken English for you to understand and we always strive to do so in all our communications.
It’s also what we recommend to you in all your dealings, including your internet advertisements. Even if you’re in a highly technical field, you probably know more about what you do than the people that want your services. So be sure to explain everything clearly in your ad copy and landing pages. And certainly in any written or verbal contact. Communication’s a two-way street, but the onus is on you to make sure everyone’s on the same page.
If you’d like to learn more call 1.800.979.3177 or sign up to receive a Free Internet Marketing Consultation to learn if we can help your business increase leads and sales. As John Belushi would say, “Grab a Free Consultation. Don’t cost nothin’.”