Okay, I recognize the fact that I’m a marketer and that I make money by people advertising. And that advertising allows businesses to reach consumers with messages that many of them want to receive or services and products they want to buy.
But when I read that political advertising is going to top $2 billion this year, I headed for the restroom faster than a college student on Homecoming morning after 3 hours of jello shots.
Politicians do need to get their messages out and that costs money. But $2 billion? You could cut that just in half and still have an extra billion to use towards government services, tax cuts, new initiatives, or a combination of those efforts to satisfy citizens of all political bents.
I don’t want this digital marketing blog to hurt Direct Online Marketing’s chances to service more political campaigns, but I can’t stop thinking about my IRS filings, the changes I’d like to see government make, and the budgetary constraints we’re under in comparison to that kind of money floating around just on elections.
Aw, who am I kidding? No public servants worry about budgetary constraints anymore. They’re a big joke just like the thought of the money you’re putting into Social Security now being there for you when you retire.