Digital Marketing Discovery | Discovery Process Flowchart Graphic

Our Discovery Process

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The DOM Difference - Our Discovery Process

The DOM Discovery Process: Are We A Fit?

Thank you for considering DOM before you start you agency selection process! We have a very detailed, no-pressure process for determining if we’re the right partner for you…

and vice versa!

We invest the time up front to ensure the highest likelihood of success, breaking up the process into stages so you only invest your time when it makes sense for you.

Our 7-Step Discovery Process To Determine If We’re A Fit

  1. Evaluation
  2. Initial Conversation: high-level introduction to answer questions and explore partnership potential.
  3. Defining Objectives: sharing your specific goals and objectives so we can customize our analysis
  4. Review Findings: presenting our audit findings and highlighting growth opportunities
  5. Evaluate Options: walk through customized scope and pricing options that give you flexibility
  6. Proposal Review: review a formal proposal based on your option selections
  7. Partner Together!

If at any time during the evaluation process either of our teams determine that we are not a fit, we part ways.

Kick Off Initial Steps

  • Appoint client success manager
  • Assemble team members
  • Debrief internally on prior conversations and findings
  • Share kick-off call questions
  • Schedule launch call
  • Grow!

Interested in seeing if our agency is a good fit to help your business grow confidently online? Contact us today for a no-obligation evaluation.

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