This cracked me up when I received notice of it in my inbox this morning (courtesy of mediapost) and I’m not sure why.
According to a new survey, the fairer sex really likes blogging:
- 53% of online women across age groups read blogs
- 37% comment
- 28% write posts
And when I say “likes”, I mean, really, really with a big red cherry on top:
* Women are so passionate about blogging that large percentages of women said they would give something up to keep the blogs they read and/or write:
– 55% would give up alcohol
– 50% would give up their PDAs
– 42% would give up their i-Pod
– 43% would give up reading the newspaper or magazines
BUT, some things are sacred … only 20% would give up chocolate!
Honey, if you’re reading, would you give up chocolate? (that’s directed towards my wife, not any of my smart alec college buddies.)
Now if there was just some way to put an xml feed in a vase, all us guys would be set for Mother’s Day on Sunday. That’s your official warning, gentlemen! My dad already left a message on my cell phone.
The best thing about blogging? I can post this instead of doing some stupid email forward that almost everyone hates. Seriously folks, can’t we figure out what’s appropriate to forward? After we conquer that, we’ll move on to the dreaded reply-all.