DOM News

It’s Official! Moving from Wheeling WV to Wheeling WV

By Justin Seibert| 1 Min Read | April 26, 2010

Okay, that sounds less impressive when both cities are listed. Due to some complications with things that I guess you need like carpet, we’re getting a late start to our move. Therefore, we’re having Moving Week instead of Moving Day, much like my friend Jamie has her birth month every year. The only downside is that we don’t get to sing Moving Day to the tune of the Backyardigans’ Racing Day:

It’s Moving Day, it’s Moving Day
It’s Moving Day, it’s Moving Day-eyay
It’s not Pony Hooving Day
Today’s the day we move

Anyway, all our phone lines are getting switched.  We’re told there won’t be any interruption, but just in case, please make sure you use our 800.979.3177 line today if you need anything.  That definitely will work and we can transfer you to whomever you need.

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Written by Justin Seibert

Justin Seibert is the President of Direct Online Marketing. Justin holds a Bachelor of Arts from Vanderbilt University. He contributes a wide range of online business-oriented topics, including the subject of exporting. His contributions can be found on publications such as the Pittsburgh Business Times, AdAge, SES Magazine, and La Voz del interior. Justin and his family enjoy learning about new cultures during their travels.

View Justin Seibert's Full Bio

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