
Fear You Won’t Survive Adding GA4 To WordPress?

By Jonathan Bentz| 2 Min Read | February 1, 2023
GA4 WordPress Analytics | GA4 for WordPress | Webinar Graphic

Our friends at WooRank have invited us to share our expertise in all things SEO and adding Google Analytics 4 to WordPress on February 22.

If you have any fears about adding this must-use web analytics platform to your site, we would love for you to join us to get up to speed and have your questions answered.  

DOM President Justin Seibert and Senior Digital Advertising Analyst Steve D’Angelo will join John Murcott and Jeremy LaDuque from WooRank in a live webinar on February 22, 2023 at 12 PM EST to share their insights on making the big move.

Titled “GA4 For WordPress: Everything You Need to Know,” this webinar is intended to be your WordPress site survival guide for the big move to GA4.

Unsure how moving to GA4 will impact your data? Have technical questions about adding Google Analytics 4 to WordPress that require answers from a specialist? Want to tune in live and give your ears a break from an endless stream of Taylor Swift’s channel or that 8 hour stream of Lofi hip hop?

This is the event for you.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about all things GA4 for WordPress and prep your site to survive the big move!

In addition to answering your questions live, this webinar will also cover:

  • The GA4 setup checklist (want to grab your own copy of our GA4 implementation checklist)
  • Common pitfalls to avoid, including:
    • Not planning ahead
    • Not changing data retention settings
    • Not configuring Enhanced Measurement events
    • Not registering conversions
    • Not taking advantage of event parameters
    • Not registering event parameters
  • The pros and cons of using plugins to deploy GA4 vs Google Tag Manager
  • Reporting challenges you are going to face due to API quotas
  • And more

Click here to watch on demand

Looking For More Information On Adding Google Analytics 4 To WordPress?

Adding Google Analytics To WordPress

This move to GA4 is much more than a simple upgrade from UA – it’s a complete shift in how you are going to measure web performance.

Need an introduction or refresher to this game-changing analytics platform before saving your seat for this webinar? Check out any of these resources below. 

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