Hopefully your New Year bounded in with a modicum of purpose as opposed to a soap opera of drama.
As site owners or Webmasters, the first thing we’re expected to do before the clock strikes midnight is update our copyright dates in the footer of our precious web properties.
There’s nothing quite as irksome as the average copyright date. For something so seemingly worthless it can’t half make you look an amateur operation should you apparently forget which year it is. Not that anybody comes onto your site to check these things, but, if they do happen to notice, your brownie point return is diminished.
As for whether it’s a search engine ranking factor and its importance is anyone’s guess, but let me just show you a handful of ways to automate the process so you can remain hungover on New Year’s Day 2012 without fearing a personal Y2K meltdown of some sort.
The following code snippets are dependent on the type of site you’re running. Simply copy & paste any of them into the footer of your respective pages or site:
Copyright © 2011-< ?php echo date("Y"); ?>
< ?php $time = time () ; $year= date(“Y”,$time) . ”
“; echo “Copyright 2011 – ” . $year; ?>
< %response.write("Copyright 2011- "&Year(Date))%>
Copyright © 2011-< %=Year(Date)%>
< % Dim yy yy = DatePart(“yyyy”,Now()) %>Copyright © 2011-< %=yy%>
< %Response.Write(System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());%>
JAVASCRIPT (for static HTML pages):
Copyright © 2001-
Please feel free to share any alternative methods you may have up your sleeves.
[cap doff]