glossary Category: SEO

By DOM Team| 1 Min Read | September 19, 2017


The act of submitting a URL for inclusion into a search engine’s index. Unless done…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |


Also referred to as a 3rd-level domain, a subdomain is very simply a domain that…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |


How often people return to a website. Constant updates, news feeds, and exclusive content are…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |


A noun and a verb, Search Engines have spiders crawl through all the linked pages…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |


Can refer to unwanted data sent via email or put on a website to game…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

SEO Definition

What is SEO? It's actually an acronym for Search Engine Optimization and may also be…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |


SEM is an acronym for search engine marketing and may also be used to refer…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Search Terms

A search term is a word or group of words that a person types into…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Search Engine Results Page (SERPs)

Search Engine Results Pages, or SERPs, are the Web pages displayed by any Search Engine…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM)

Think of Search Engine Reputation Management as online spin control done via search engine marketing.…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A fancy way of saying “making your site search engine friendly.” Search engine optimization is…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Search Engines

Search engines are places people go to search for things on the internet, such as…

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