Social Media

How to Get More Followers on Instagram for Your Business

By Anthony Pollino| 4 Min Read | July 29, 2020
How to Leverage Instagram Followers for Business | How to Grow Instagram Business Followers | Person Icons

Using Instagram for business is part of the marketing strategy that most brands adopt to promote their products and services. More followers translate into broader outreach to the target audience.

Instagram is not only for the young and hip. It has over a billion users, and almost 60 percent of them are millennials. Instagram allows B2C brands to make a big splash on a local as well as global scale.

Whether it is about showcasing a delicious meal, bragging about a new car, or promoting a new gadget, Instagram offers all businesses the opportunity to connect to their target audience. Therefore, if you are a business owner or a marketer using Instagram for brand promotion, getting more Instagram followers must be your top priority.  

5 Ways to Gain More Follower On Instagram for Business 

Not all marketers are familiar or comfortable with using Instagram, like other social networks. It can be a bit overwhelming when you first find yourself contemplating the idea of using Instagram for business’s marketing strategy.  

However, here are five ways you can get more followers on Instagram to ensure your digital marketing strategy is successful.  

1. Promoting Your Instagram Presence 

Most consumers also use several social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. Therefore, it is an excellent idea to let your followers on other networks know about your new Instagram account. If they are already a fan of your brand follow you on other platforms, they will probably add you.  

This way, you get an additional way to reach your target audience. Do you know you can link your Instagram account to your Facebook page? This way, whatever you post on Instagram will automatically appear on your Facebook too.  

2. Using Hashtag

Do not underestimate the power of popular hashtags. These are an effective way to reach your target audience, and consumers use frequently used hashtags to search what they want.  

Do some research and find out the latest and most trending hashtags relevant to your niche. You can also use hashtags used by major brands in your industry. Whenever customers search these hashtags, your brand will appear in search results as well. If they like your content, they might add you too. 

3. Using Video Content

An excellent way to engage with Instagram followers is by spicing things up via exciting video content. This type of content is tremendously effective and popular on social networks; therefore, ignoring it will be a big mistake.  

Instagram followers cannot get enough of compelling, quirky, short videos. Find out creative and exciting ways to produce fun content to attract potential followers. All it takes is one viral video to gain an exponential amount of following.  

4. Optimizing your Instagram Page

Your Instagram page is your business’s face, and you must do everything to make it appealing. It is your opportunity to introduce your company to Insta-followers. Use a branded username; make sure your bio is complete with contact information such as emails, websites, and calling details.  

An incomplete or half-heartedly created page will either be ignored or abandoned by the followers.  

5. Collaborating with Influencers

Influencers are the celebrities of the social networking universe. Therefore, they already have thousands, sometimes millions of followers. Collaborating with them to promote your Instagram page, business, product, and brand is one of the most effective ways to gain followers on Instagram for business.  

If influencers post images, videos, and stories sponsored by your brand, it will grant you an immediate outreach to millions of their followers. As these influencers enjoy their followers’ trust, the audience may get curious about your brand and start following you.  

Other Ways 

Some additional tips to get more followers on Instagram for business are:  

  • Post on Instagram regularly. 
  • Follow, like, and comment on the Instagram accounts of other brands similar to yours.  
  • Use Geo-tags to target followers in your locale. 
  • Run promotions and giveaways because who does not like free stuff.  

Reach out to our team if you need help in getting more followers or creating a brand strategy for Instagram.  

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