Toward the end of last year, Facebook opened up the possibility of site retargeting through its ads. And you thought based on the first part of the title I was going to talk about the new facebook graph launched publicly last week.
A quick primer on retargeting: retargeting is cookie-based advertising that allows you to serve ads to people based on their past actions. Site retargeting at its most basic level is when you serve ads to people who have already been to your site. From there, you can splice it all sorts of ways, such as serving up ads to people based on content already read or tracking down shopping cart abandoners.
Up until last December could retarget users throughout the Web through various ad networks, but not on Facebook, who kept their advertising exchange closed off. Well, now you can hit up those visitors, although you’re not able to do it directly through your own Facebook advertising account. You need to do it on a Facebook Ad Exchange (FBX) partner. These partners include folks like our friends at AdRoll,, and Chango.
How you pay will depend on which partner you use, but I can say we’ve seen comparable costs and results to other types of site retargeting we run for our clients, particularly when it comes to view-through conversions.
If you’d like to get started with Facebook retargeting, give us a shout. Costs are affordable even for small advertisers and there’s no minimum campaign length, so there’s no reason not to test it out.
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Moved to the bottom. I know Alex was talking to Dan but doesn’t seem like she wants to be ignored, period.