glossary Category: PPC

By DOM Team| 1 Min Read | September 19, 2017

TrueView Ads

Part of the larger concept of video marketing, TrueView ads are PPC video ads created…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Tracking Code

Information typically included in the URL which allows an advertiser to track the effectiveness of…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Text Ad

An online advertisement that contains only written copy. Paid listings found on the results pages…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |


Shaping internet marketing campaigns to attract certain specific groups of prospective clients. Examples of Targeting…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Takeover Ads

A type of display advertising typically reserved for high-profile brands and products (consumer goods, new…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Structured Snippets

Structured snippets allow your digital ads to highlight specific aspects of your products and services.…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Site Retargeting

The most common form of retargeting: displaying your digital ads to a visitor based on…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Shopping Ads

Formerly known as Product Listing Ads (PLAs), these ads appear in both Google and Bing…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Search Retargeting

A specific type of Retargeting that allows an advertiser to show ads to searchers of…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Run of Site (ROS)

A contract specifying Run of Site (ROS) means that a banner or other type of…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |

Return on Investment (ROI)

The key statistic for many companies: are your digital advertisements generating profits, and how much…

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By DOM Team| 1 Min Read |


Remarketing is Google Ads’ term for retargeting.

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