SEO Trends Used By Pittsburgh’s Top Cybersecurity Companies

By Jim Foreman| 7 Min Read | May 5, 2022
Trends In SEO For Cybersecurity Firms In Pittsburgh | SEO Agency in Pittsburgh

When you look at Pittsburgh today, you’ll see a historic metropolis spread out over dozens of beautiful neighborhoods with millions of friendly people. The modern American city was born here, as Pittsburgh provided the steel and glass that made those other cities possible.

That was yesterday. We love remembering yesterday. We have museums all about that stuff.

But Pittsburgh is also in the now, and we can see Pittsburgh’s role in the future, too. Companies like Duolingo, Aurora, and Gecko Robotics got their start here, and there are tons of other tech companies that now call the Steel City home, including Uber and Google.

With that modern shift in recent decades to Pittsburgh’s business climate, this city has also become home to some highly knowledgeable and cutting edge cybersecurity companies.

And those cybersecurity companies need their websites to rank in Google. That way, they can be found online when the other businesses that make up the region’s annual GDP estimated to be $145.5 billion dollars are searching for the products and services necessary to keep themselves safe.

SEO And Firms Doing Cybersecurity In Pittsburgh Can Be Friends

Like the many companies doing cybersecurity in Pittsburgh, your website is one of your most important assets. It’s how you reach new customers, and it’s how you stay in touch with existing ones. But if your prospective clients can’t find your site, it might as well not exist. That’s where SEO can come in and have a huge impact for your growth objectives.

SEO is the practice of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results. The higher you rank, the more likely people are to find you. And since most people use Google when they’re looking for solutions to their problems on the internet, that’s usually the first place you will want your business to be found.

SEO is important for any business with a website, but it’s especially important for businesses in competitive industries. If you’re in a competitive industry (as most firms doing cybersecurity in Pittsburgh are), it’s not enough to just have a website. You need to make sure your website is the best it can be and positioned to be found when prospective clients indicate they need your products and services. That way, you can compete and grow at a rate faster than some of the other businesses out there providing the same solutions.

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So, what can we learn from Pittsburgh’s top cybersecurity companies about SEO? Let’s take a look at some of the things they’re doing and some of the opportunities they are leaving on the table.

What could some of them be doing better? What are some of them doing really well? What lessons can we all learn from their sites and SEO strategies regardless of the industry we work in?

Let’s find out!

Note: While we are pretty good at digital marketing, we’re not cybersecurity experts. This post has nothing to do at all with what cybersecurity solutions they offer their customers. You’ll have to read somebody else’s blog to get information like that.

Core Web Vitals And Timesys

timesys- a firm doing cybersecurity in Pittsburgh

Ever since Google announced that core web vitals will become a more important ranking factor than before, SEOs have been banging the CWV drum to their CMOs and pretty much anybody else who would listen. Since rolling out the algorithm update last year, we’ve seen measurable impacts on organic rankings. True to its word, Google is weighing page experience as a factor in what sites it offers up in its SERPs.

When we look at a site like, we see a lot of opportunities to improve the overall user experience. By using Google’s very own Lighthouse developer tool, we can take a peek at how Google itself sees the Timesys website.

By our SEO eye, we can see that the biggest challenge to’s ranking is the speed with which it loads. The site has a lot of overlapping factors that slow how fast it loads into a user’s browser, from long javascript code that lags the browser to images that should be a tad smaller.

By fixing a few of these issues, will probably see its rankings improve. Core web vitals matter more than ever, and they’re not always the first thing SEOs think about when offering SEO suggestions.

Interested in running a site speed test for one of your top pages, but not sure which tool to use first? We’ve got you. Learn more about two of the top free tools here – Pingdom vs Google PageSpeed Insights.

Content Marketing And Net XPerts

net xperts - a firm doing cybersecurity in Pittsburgh

Writing good content can create a huge SEO lift. But not just any old content will do. The type of content that’s most likely to help your SEO is the kind of content that people are looking for when they’re using Google–in other words, content that answers questions.

When we looked at the blog for Pittsburgh-based cybersecurity firm The Net XPerts, we found a lot of great content that would be useful for people looking for answers to their cybersecurity questions.

Their content specifically ticks all the boxes we have when we look at the content that drives organic searches.

  • Long-form content. The average post at The Net XPerts is over 500 words, and most are even more than that.
  • Answering common questions. The titles of their posts are all variations on common questions people have about cybersecurity, like “What to do if your business is hacked” and “How can I make my business more cyber secure?”
  • Including relevant keywords. The Net XPerts uses relevant keywords throughout their content to make sure they’re being found by people who are looking for answers to those questions.
  • Regular posting cadence. The Net XPerts posts regularly–often a few times a month–which is a signal Google loves to see. It shows that the website is current, that it cares about adding value to the web through good information, and that it gets regular updates.

Interested in doing more with content marketing for your firm? Got Google Analytics too? Learn how GA can enhance your content marketing strategies here.

Schema Implementation And nextlinklabs

nextlinklabs - a firm doing cybersecurity in Pittsburgh

Structured data helps Google understand the content of a page and, therefore, display it in relevant SERPs. It’s a way of tagging different elements on your website so that Google knows what they are and can display them accordingly.

For example, if you have a software review website and mark up your reviews with schema, Google will be able to display your star ratings in its SERPs with photos, review counts, and other relevant information.

This blog post at doesn’t currently have structured data implemented but it could. By adding how-to or FAQ schema to the website code, Google would know to display this information, and would be more likely to display it in SERPs with that structure in mind.

Additionally, by implementing structured data, you can also be eligible to have your website featured in Google’s rich results. These are SERPs that feature more than just a plain blue link–they can include images, videos, and other information that makes them stand out from the rest.

For Firms Doing Cybersecurity In Pittsburgh… Knowing is Half the Battle

What we can learn from these cybersecurity firms can help us do SEO better, which, in turn, helps us serve our clients better.

Learning from the SEO successes and taking advantage of the opportunities these firms have to improve upon can also give your business opportunities.

To increase your requests for demo’s or quotes. To drive more sales of software and hardware. To increase awareness of your brand and get more phone calls for hourly rate troubleshooting.

Want to see how working with Direct Online Marketing can help you turn SEO into the top producer of quote requests? Contact our Pittsburgh Marketing Agency and Get in touch today.

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